Our Mission:
Nourishing Lives,
One Meal at a Time

When we first opened Tasteful Kitchen our goal was to simply make delicious food more available and convenient for everyone. That seed has grown and now we’re evolving our range of dishes, expanding our delivery zones, and enhancing the services we offer our customers through subscriptions, nutrition coaching, cooking classes, and community partnerships

Our Vision:
A Greener,
Kinder World
on Every Plate

Our aim is to inspire a revolution in eating habits, one delicious dish at a time. We are concerned about the path we’re on - as a community, country and planet - towards overprocessed, overpackaged, unsustainable and nutritionally poor food. Instead, we’re advocating for a better future that’s compassionate, ethical, and joyous

Our Goals

Culinary Excellence

We LOVE changing the common preconceptions about
plant-based cuisine. Our new customers are often amazed
at the flavors and flourishes that go into each dish. The trend toward gourmet vegan food is a genuinely exciting, refreshing movement to be part of, and we’re proud to be leading the way in Tucson and beyond

Optimal Health

The evidence is clear: eating healthy food today is the best preventive measure we can take to safeguard our long-term health. Instead of trying to fix poor food choices with medication and supplements, we can eat ourselves to better health, sustained energy, and longer lives

Empowering Our Community

We’re not just chefs, we’re also coaches, ambassadors, advocates and volunteers. Through community outreach and education, we’re spreading the word about the benefits of plant-based eating

Welfare for Animals

Once we grow to 200 subscribers, we plan to establish a local nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of animals within our community. Your food purchases will help to support this exciting project!